What makes me mad?

Oh, just about anything


It's what I like to do

Why publish it?

Why not?

Friday 30 April 2010

No Need

Why do some people feel it's OK to annoy me?

Got a letter today from Environmental Health. Not to say your house is a disaster, tidy it up. No. It was to say we've been using 'power tools for DIY garden clearance' ???? 

Not us gov. 

Even the DIY has been done using hand tools... apart from the 70 nor so holes I drilled in my 3 x 3 timber battens and the 5 passes I made to a metre long mock lintel. 

Who did it..... Who dobbed us in? 

 I can guess.

But what does it matter?
This is how I feel right now.

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Thursday 29 April 2010

New Tyre

Oh look WHAT A SURPRISE...... NOT!!!

Some twit has rolled one of those roadside tyres down into the wood.


Tuesday 20 April 2010

Pensile Road Tyres

The tail end of my walk takes me from the Avening Road to Pensile Road via the woods. It's always a lovely part of this early morning jaunt.

This morning a new vision greeted me as I got near the road.

That's odd, I thought.

OOO look, it's another one

Ahh, yet another. Now that's new.

Oh look the lazy git couldn't be assed to roll the last 2 tyres into the wood. The garage on Pensile Road, the one that does tyre fitting, you know, a 5 minute walk from here, said it would cost about a tenner to dispose of the 5 of them.  That's probably just about the extra we all pay each year on our council tax to have fly tippers rubbish cleared up.

Still it made a change from looking at my usual plants and wildlife. I said a CHANGE, not an improvement.

Monday 19 April 2010

Driven to Rant

3 members of the science team were 'out', stuck in some far off place, having to extend their holiday whilst the rest of us cheerfully pick up the pieces.Until N.A.T.S. gives the sky the all clear (Ha HA), these folks are stranded over there, or, possibly, left to struggle overland back to dear old Blighty. Them and 150000 other planet destroying, hippy hating, emissions spewing, air travellers all suddenly realizing just how far away a SHORT HAUL flight really is, when it has to be retraced overland. 

Me, I didn't go anywhere over this 'holiday'. And, even if I did go anywhere, it wouldn't have involved the Devil that is flying. Nosiree, I'll drive everywhere instead. Gotta be for the best ...... hasn't it?

iceland volcano ash cloud photo

Monday 12 April 2010

Dog Poo

Why is there so much of it about?

Does Nailsworth have a few rogue owners, or is there a bloody rota aimed at keeping some parts of town knee deep?

At the Garden Plot I have a regular contributor. Piles of it are left roughly where I park the car and walk along to the steps onto the patch itself. I'm going to put cocktail umbrellas in them and take a photo of them. Watch this space.

Dark Lane. Don't go there after dark. So much poo, you can't take a step without getting a shoe full.

And as for the lane on the way past St Georges Field; beggars belief. The poo is in piles everywhere. There's a lot of mud there, well I think it's mud!

Even the fields and woods at the top of the lane have poo piles. Must be great being a cow, with that all over your lunch. 

I don't like it. I don't want to walk around, or through it. Why keep taking dogs to the same place every day to do this? If that's what dog ownership is all about, let your dog poo on your property. Don't spread it around.

 If  you have a dog, you have poo, DEAL WITH  IT.

I thank you, and yes, I do feel better now.

Bloody Screwfix

Screwfix - Power Tools, Electrical Supplies, Plumbing Supplies
 Bloody company.

They couldn't supply some of the things I wanted for my restoration project. They said my catalogue was an old one. I asked the girl to find the codes for the goods I wanted. Oh, she couldn't do that. The system can,t work in reverse. I was not happy.

When the goods they could supply arrived, they didn't put in a catalogue. They always put one in. Weird. There was nothing for it, I would have to go to Gloucester and order over the counter. I thought I could pick up catalogue and take it to the car and complete the order form in peace. The shop itself operates just like Argos, all laminated catalogues and people standing at counters filling in their order forms.

I had to go to Gloucester anyway, to get quotes for the stairs and as 
Screwfix - Power Tools, Electrical Supplies, Plumbing Supplies
 is pretty much next door, it made good sense to call in.

Well, it was packed with people. They were queuing to use the laminated catalogues. I took a quick look around. No carry out catalogues to be seen. It was a case of stand and queue to use a laminated one, or don't bother.

Marching up to the counter, I asked for a catalogue. They had run out, a new one is due in about 3 days. Join the queue, madam.

I came home in my empty car. I'm now going to be a day behind my schedule.

The next day I went to Travis Perkins otherwise known as Butts. Fab. Got everything I wanted. Lovely personal service.

Monday 5 April 2010

Cans and Balloons

Easter Sunday

So there we were, out for a walk, and we kept coming across Coke cans.How did they get to these isolated spots? Why didn't the owners take them home? It felt like an extended art exhibition.

I don't want to be forced to see this stuff, but it's actually rather fun.

Balloons saying Happy Easter. Would have been better if 'they' had celebrated Easter in a more environmentally friendly way; bunting, cakes.......

Why let go to the 4 winds, scattering themselves as litter all over the countryside.

Then there's the bloody aerial up at Avening.

Yes, this is the one.

We've gone over to Iplayer. No more telly. This things gone over to digital

so this may not be relevant, BUT  whenever we had a thunderstorm, or simply heavy rain, we would loose 'the signal'. We never, ever got channel 5 anyway, so loosing the little we had every time we had a bit of English weather, was a pain in the arse.  It'll be no longer a problem as we're out of the loop. I do feel sorry for the rest of the Nailsworth population for whom this is the only transmitter transmitting to our little town.

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Saturday 3 April 2010

Tin Can

Bloody hoodlums. We get so much rubbish dumped here. Nothing for it but to clean it all up.