What makes me mad?

Oh, just about anything


It's what I like to do

Why publish it?

Why not?

Monday 12 April 2010

Dog Poo

Why is there so much of it about?

Does Nailsworth have a few rogue owners, or is there a bloody rota aimed at keeping some parts of town knee deep?

At the Garden Plot I have a regular contributor. Piles of it are left roughly where I park the car and walk along to the steps onto the patch itself. I'm going to put cocktail umbrellas in them and take a photo of them. Watch this space.

Dark Lane. Don't go there after dark. So much poo, you can't take a step without getting a shoe full.

And as for the lane on the way past St Georges Field; beggars belief. The poo is in piles everywhere. There's a lot of mud there, well I think it's mud!

Even the fields and woods at the top of the lane have poo piles. Must be great being a cow, with that all over your lunch. 

I don't like it. I don't want to walk around, or through it. Why keep taking dogs to the same place every day to do this? If that's what dog ownership is all about, let your dog poo on your property. Don't spread it around.

 If  you have a dog, you have poo, DEAL WITH  IT.

I thank you, and yes, I do feel better now.

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